Something I love about the Insta Stories is that it allows you to see some details about my day-to-day life. Not that it’s all that exciting, but I love following other people – friends, bloggers, celebrities, because it shows you some of the behind the scenes of their life. I am always getting questions about the day to day life of blogging so today I want to share what a typical week day looks like for me. I love being self-employed because it means every day looks completely different. There is no “9 to 5” schedule. Having said that though I try to stick to some sort of structure on a daily basis, here’s a typical day for me:

  • Wake up around 7, grab my first cup of coffee and and take about 20 minutes to myself before anyone else wakes up. Just think about what I want to accomplish today and set myself up for the day ahead.

  • Get my kids off to school-I don't really do much since my kids are a lot older but still help out getting them organized and out the door

  • After the kids leave for school I open up my computer and check all my emails and reply to as many as I can. I head to my social media channels and check all my DMS, post my daily post and interact with some of my favourite accounts

  • Usually around 11am is when I usually get my workout in, its either a home workout or I head to my spin class.

  • After I workout I usually stop at my favorite place and grab a pressed juice to get me though the next couple of hour of errands. I run around and get groceries, mail, and any other things that are on my to do list that day. (I am a list person). Depending on what day it is sometimes i'll head home and get ready to shoot some photos for upcoming collaborations

  • When I get home I’ll usually answer e-mails, edit photos for blog posts, brainstorm new brands to collaborate with, get anything else on my work to-do list checked off.

  • My afternoons are dedicated to the kids and home things like laundry, cleaning, and all the things I try to push to the end of the day cause they are not my favourite things to do

  • We always have dinner as a family, I have always grown up with this and feel it is so important. To connect and catch up after the day always completes my day

  • I really have the best family and they are so supportive, they usually always clean everything up after dinner and I check in with my social media and answer any DMS and questions and finish the day off with a hot bath( pretty much every night)

  • After my bath I usually out my phone away for the rest of the day( I have just incorporated this as Im trying to have some phone free time each night)

  • We end the day off watching our favourite shows we have taped

  • I'm usually in bed by 10-10:30 unless I have a event to attend.

I’m so thankful for my job and love working for myself, but some of you might be surprised that the life of a blogger really isn’t all that glamorous! My week days are an endless to-do list until Friday, as I’m sure yours are too. There are things that come up that alter this schedule, like events to attend and date night with my hubby, but most day look like this.Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
