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  • Writer's picturePAVLINA TOREN


I feel like we are looking for new ways to workout and new ways to stay motivated to workout. Some of you might know but I am actually a personal trainer even though it is something I don’t really do anymore I learned a lot while getting my certification. So, if you know you want to work on your fitness in some capacity, but aren’t sure what that should look like…I want to help you out! I am by no means a expert in fitness but just want to share a few ideas to maybe give you some motivation!

fitness goals

This blog post is all about fitness goals

So, let’s start with any fitness newbies out there! Maybe you’ve always been intimidated by the gym or just don’t know where to start. Or maybe you worked out a lot in previous years but you’ve taken a little too much time off. For anyone new to working out, here are a few goals / ideas to get you started this year:

  • Set a goal for how many days per week you will workout. If you’re new to working out, I would suggest 3 days a week!

  • Once you have that established, think of something active (anything that gets your heart rate up) that you enjoy. Do you like dancing? There are so type many workout dance class you can find online! Start going to that before or after work! Do you love being outside? Make it a habit to go walk for 30 minutes when you get home from work – but try power walking to get your heart rate up – or even try a 30 minute jog (you can walk / run in intervals! you don’t have to run the whole time!).Find something you enjoy that will get your heart rate up, for at least 30 minutes, 3 days per week

  • Get a buddy to join you for workouts and/or hold you accountable. During these times we are in it may not be possible to meet up with a friend and go to the gym but pick a friend that you talk about your fitness goals with. It’s always helpful to have an accountability partner!

Also, while we’re in the ‘fitness newbie’ category…I have to say: the hardest part about making fitness a priority or getting in shape or working out is starting. Once you get out of the habit of working out (or, if you were never in the habit), it’s really hard to start that routine. But, I promise it will be SO worth it.

fitness goals

Next category is what I’m going to call casual gym goers But, this category is for those of you who worked out a few times a week last year. You like working out but it wasn’t a huge priority to you in the past, and this year you want to step it up. You’re a mid-range fitness girl (which is great!). Here are a few ideas for fitness goals for you this year, if you’re wanting to take your fitness to the next level:

  • Sign up for a race! If you’ve never really run long distance, maybe don’t start with a marathon. But sign up for a 10K or a half marathon! Having a goal like this to work towards makes working out so much easier and more enjoyable.

  • Make working out a part of your weekly routine, instead of something you randomly do if you have time. If you have a 9-5 job…find maybe 3 days out of the work week where you go to the gym or go for a run either before or after work. Make a goal for yourself to develop more consistency with your workouts

  • Try a new fitness app / program to follow! I’ve been thinking about starting Kayla Itsines BBG program (definitely download her app if you’re interested!). These apps / programs are great because you don’t have to wonder what type of workout you should do…and can also plug you into a community of other women doing these workouts too!

The last category I want to share some ideas for fitness goals with is my fitness lovers – this is for women who consistently work out 5+ days almost every week, train hard, love the gym, run marathons, etc.

  • Branch out from your normal workouts! Believe me – I KNOW how hard this is. You will plateau in your fitness if you never change things up. Recently I started going to Yoga consistently for the first time and saw more muscle definition / changes in muscle tone than I ever had before! It also made me realize that just because you’re great at your regular workouts doesn’t mean you’re super fit / strong in all areas. It’s so important to challenge your body and try new things. Trying new things is so hard, but the only way our bodies will really change / get stronger is by challenging them

This blog post is all about finest goals


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