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  • Writer's picturePAVLINA TOREN


For anyone knows me at all they would tell you I am all about, schedules, and routines. I’ve had a lot of questions on Instagram about my mourning routine, so I figured I’d address all your questions right here in a blog post. I absolutely love my mourning routine! Let’s get into more details on what my day to day looks like…

I wouldn’t say I get up super early but I do like to get up a little earlier then my family. I love that quiet morning coffee before I get going. It really gives me time to just reflect on what I want to do in the day and I feel like it sets the whole tone of the day ahead.

Here is my morning routine in a nutshell:

7 AM– I usually get a wake up call from my dog who is ready to get going. I Grab my first cup of coffee and head outside into the backyard with my dog. Summer time is the best as the mornings are cooler and the sun is shining and it feels so great to just soak it all in while my dog runs around and plays.

7:30 AM–feed the animals and turn on the news and continue enjoying my coffee while catching up what is going on in our crazy world.

8:45 AM–This is usually the time I fuel for the day I make myself a second cup of coffee and healthy breakfast. Eggs or Avocado toast is usually my go to.

9:00AM- Time to open my computer, check emails, and work on the blog as well as reply to any social media comments or dms I received overnight. I spend the next couple of hours working and getting caught up and planning the day ahead. Any deadlines I need to meet or looks I need to shoot.

10:30– I usually take a little time to clean up and tidy the house so I don’t have to do it later when I get home from running errands, or spin, whatever it is I have planned that day

11:30 AM– Its time to get ready for Spin class and I usually drink a fresh pressed juice before spin, it really gives my energy and it’s so yummy. It keeps me going until I get home and have a healthy lunch.

And that’s my morning routine! It’s efficient, quick, and easy! This allows me time in the afternoon and evenings to complete errands and spend time with my family. I ALWAYS go to bed by 11pm. It’s super important, especially for the early morning wake up call! I’d love to hear from you and what you think works best for you in the mornings!

1 comment

1 Comment

Sep 05, 2019

Hi I like the Love sweatshirt you’re wearing! Where did you get it?

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